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Restauran Casa Pablo – French/ basque cuisine

Huge portions to reasonable prices

The restaurant Casa Pablo is located in the center of the vital, busy and international borrow of Santa Catalina. Only a few hundred meters off of Canteras Beach, this restaurant awaits visitors with its specialties of the French-basque cuisine among other meals.

We can recommend the ensalada de cedorniz (quail salad with nuts), the cochinillo lechal (suckling pig) or one of the various steaks from the extensive menu. According to the entry of a suckling pig in German reference books, one can read “"Unter häufigem Begießen etwa 3 Stunden über der Holzkohlenglut grillen, bis die Haut goldbraun und krustig ist ..." (grilling for 3 hours over char and with constant pouring, until crispy and golden brown). The cook of Casa Pablo masters this perfectly. The great and tasty meals are not really cheap, but the portions are big and can feet even the hungriest among us.

To help one’s digestion, we recommend the liquor arguardiente de oruja after dinner. It’s the extracted liquid gained during the pressing of grapes that is not used for wine production. The Italian “Grappa” whose prestige is much higher than its actual taste belongs to this group of liquors as well. The aguardiente de oruja is tastier and gentler to the senses than its Italian “college.” The Las Team can verify this.

We can recommend the ensalada de cedorniz (quail salad with nuts), the cochinillo lechal (suckling pig) or one of the various steaks from the extensive menu. According to the entry of a suckling pig in German reference books, one can read “"Unter häufigem Begießen etwa 3 Stunden über der Holzkohlenglut grillen, bis die Haut goldbraun und krustig ist ..." (grilling for 3 hours over char and with constant pouring, until crispy and golden brown). The cook of Casa Pablo masters this perfectly. The great and tasty meals are not really cheap, but the portions are big and can feet even the hungriest among us.

To help one’s digestion, we recommend the liquor arguardiente de oruja after dinner. It’s the extracted liquid gained during the pressing of grapes that is not used for wine production. The Italian “Grappa” whose prestige is much higher than its actual taste belongs to this group of liquors as well. The aguardiente de oruja is tastier and gentler to the senses than its Italian “college.” The Las Team can verify this.

Pictures Restaurant Casa Pablo

