FAQ: Questions about booking & reservations?
About booking via Las-Palmas-24.com Incoming Services
Typical questions about the Reservation & Rental of holiday apartments and hotels accomodation in Las Palmas Gran Canaria will be answered in our Booking-FAQs. For further information please contact us also by e-mail or (please, only in urgent cases) directly in 35007 Las Palmas by phone: (0034) 928 583 780 or Mobile / SMS: (0034) 605 061 024.
The key advantage: our local service!
In comparison to the booking through catalogs or travel agencys with a reservation through our service you have major advantages: We are sitting directly in the center of Las Palmas Canteras and know all Hotels and apartment-buildings detailed. Almost every hotel or apartment house has "better" and "worse" rooms in their offer and sometimes they try to give first the less wanted rooms to unknown guests. Even with perfect knowledge of Spanish you will be a "stranger from far away," when the landlord or receptionist has to decide over the available rooms.
Through our direct and daily contact with the owners and receptionists and yearly many hundreds of reservations brought to them, we enjoy preferential treatment in most houses.
We try to offer always u the best available rooms and apartments for your holiday terms and inform you about possible deviations. Often you get even pledged a definitive room number, so that the landlord must keep his word. We would do our best in each case to provide the interested parties, the best and unbiased selection.
The here presented Apartemnts and hotels are not paid advertisements, they are recommendations of our editorial staff – so we can respond with accumulation of problems or complaints immediately and remove the vendor at any time from our pages.
How we handle your reservation requests?
The propietaries use our agency service to publish their apartments, because through our experience there are fewer misunderstandings and thus greater satisfaction on all sides. Your reservation request and any special requests are translated and forwarded directly to the responsibles. In many cases we lead also the main-booking calenders.
Why some requests are will not be immediately responded?
Many receptions or propietaries do not respond 24h on 7 weekdays, to confirm. Also some apartments can be still offered to other guests in the same moment, awaiting confirmation or canceling.
Payment of the reservation
Many landlords require a deposit to minimize damage in case of now-shows or late cancelations. The landlord does have an injury when he holds rooms, but the tenant then not appears. The payment arrangements may vary from apartment to apartment. Las-Palmas-24.com makes, when necessary, a preliminary deposit fund to ensure a binding reservation immediately. The deposit should be refunded in this case to the Las Palmas-24.com as quickly as possible.
Why the addresses of the landlords are not published?
Particularly smaller providers are often a bit "old-styled" without e-mail and the Internet. Others may no qualified staff to respond multilingual questions seriosly. As a neutral information distributor and service provider we facilitate tenants and landlords the settlement. If a problem occurs we are happy to mediate disposal. Since the landlord often receive a lot of reservations about Las-Palmas-24.com, the motivation for the fair treatment of foreign customers is large.